Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top 3 Mentalism Secrets Revealed

Mentalism is one of the best way to impress people and make them have a little good time with you, after doing a little impressing trick, people will love you, respect you and maybe mesmerized by your super mentalist power (LOL).

But in fact you're just giving them the illusion that you can read their minds ,maybe they will freak out because they consider what you did is impossible and supernatural .In short mentalism is just the art and maybe the science that study the human reflexes and habits in order to trick out people and let them think that you got mentalism power.

Whoever to make your trick perfect and successful you should keep this three things in mind :

First secret : Distract Their Attentions !!

This is one of the most important things that a mentalist and illusionists use, they are always distracting your attention by some moves, talk, the way they get dress, the background or the hot ladies with him (HAHAHAHA) . So here is the plane , they distract your attention  so that they can do what they want, but they should be so fast .

Second secret : Let Them Think of What You Want :

A mentalist will always try to let you think of what he wants . Here is a simple example :
Imagine that I'm telling you to not think of a cat , you see ;) your brain will automatically imagine a cat because this how human's brain work you  can easily trick it .

last secret :Ask Them to Many Questions!!

When you ask someone so much questions and successively they will lose their focus and maybe they will give you some indications, and don't forget to keep always and eye on their body language because people say things with their body more than things that they say with their lips.

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